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2020-06-21 20시 개발자 글 모음 | "데이터 사이언티스트 테스트 문제" 외 2개 이야기

그런 개발자로 괜찮은가 - '문화' 편 by 권태관

    Spring boot :: Kotlin으로 S3 업로드 기능 구현 by 김광훈 about Spring,Kotlin

    • dependency-management' apply plugin: 'eclipse-wtp' apply plugin: 'war' apply plugin: 'idea' idea { module { def kaptMain = file('build/generated/source/kapt/main') sourceDirs += kaptMain generatedSourceDirs += kaptMain } } ext { appName = 's3-upload-api' } archivesBaseName = "${appName}" group = "com
    • endpoint}") lateinit var s3Endpoint: String @Autowired lateinit var amazonS3: AmazonS3 fun uploadTo(filePath: String): String { val fileName: String = filePath
    • data class CreateUploadtDTO ( val s3Path: String ) { fun toEntity(): Upload { return Upload ( s3Path = s3Path ) } } data class ReadUploadDTO ( val id: Long

    데이터 사이언티스트 테스트 문제 by 김경록 about Python

    • Use pandas function to find: (10 marks) Top 3 Preferred shops’ shopid that have the largest number of unique products Top 3 Categories that have the largest number of unique cross-border products
    • Use pandas function to identify duplicated listings within each shop (If listing A and B in shop S have the exactly same product title
    • both listing A and B are considered as duplicated listings) (30 marks) Mark those duplicated listings with True other w ise False and store the marking result in a new column named “is_duplicated” Find duplicate listings that has less than 2 sold count and store the result in a new excel file named “duplicated_listings