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2020-05-13 08시 개발자 글 모음 | "Daily Study Logging1" 외 10개 이야기

Talk: Making Work Visible: How to Unmask Capacity Killing WIP by 장요셉

  • Amazon에서 책을 구입하려고 살펴보다가 ‘Making Work Visible’이라는 책이 눈에 띄길래 검색해봤더니 저자가 책을 출판하기 전 같은 제목으로 강연한 짤막한 비디오가 있길래 보게 되었다
  • 동시에 진행하는 일(work-in-progress)이 너무 많으면 제 때 비즈니스 가치를 생산하는 것이 어렵기 때문에
  • Conflicting priorities Only one top priority Add a swim lane for cadence work: ones with hard due-dates

Vue.js 간단정리 #5 이벤트 핸들링 by 서진규 about Vue

  • < body > < div id = " app " > < button v-on: click = " count += 1 " > increase < div > {{count}} < script src = " https://cdn
  • < body > < div id = " app " > < button v-on: click = " increaseCount " > increase < div > {{count}} < script src = " https://cdn
  • < body > < div id = " app " > < button @click = " increaseCount " > increase < div > {{count}} < script src = " https://cdn

주사위 프로그램 by 김학진

  • 7) sum_com_dice = com_dice_1 + com_dice_2 sum_my_dice = my_dice_1 + my_dice_2 if sum_com_dice > sum_my_dice: lose = lose + 1 print("(" + str(com_dice_1) + "
  • ") elif sum_com_dice < sum_my_dice: win = win + 1 print("(" + str(my_dice_1) + "
  • ") elif sum_com_dice == sum_my_dice: print("(" + str(my_dice_1) + "

ES6 Map by 박준우

  • ' three ' ); for ( let [ key
  • log ( ` ${ key } : ${ value } ` ); } //0: zero //1: one //2: two //3: three //또는
  • log ( ` ${ key } : ${ value } ` )); //0: zero //1: one //2: two //3: three

[유닉스] 쉘 스크립트(Shell Script) 함수 by 장민

  • $ touch a b c $ trash a b c $ ls $ ls ~/
  • TRASH a b c $

C++17 - shared_ptr 배열에 대응 by 최흥배

  • online game server programmer
  • Visual Studio

DevOps has become the default answer to fixing software development processes that are slow… by 손지민

  • where developers and non-developers all breathe in an environment where formerly manual things are automated; everyone does what they are best at; the number of deployments per period increases; throughput increases; and flexibility improves
  • The best (and probably the easiest) way to verify that your CI/CD tool can perform some magic is by integrating with a source control management (SCM) tool
  • but developers need to catch any errors in an application early on and improve the code quality to ensure end users are satisfied

github 파일 모두 삭제 후 초기 상태로 되돌리기 by 황은지 about Git

    github blog 배포하기(gh-pages & surge) by 황은지 about Git

      노마드코더 니꼴라스의 GraphQL 강좌 정리 #1 by 황은지

        Daily Study Logging18.2 - 정규표현식 by 차이새 about Regex