리액트 프로젝트 초기셋팅(NO CRA! ) by 윤해은 about React.js,Webpack
- 0 " /> < meta http-equiv = " X-UA-Compatible " content = " ie=edge " /> < title > Document title > head > < body > < div id = " root " > div > body > html >
- import React from "react" ; const App = ( ) => { return < div > hello world
- 0 " /> < meta http-equiv = " X-UA-Compatible " content = " ie=edge " /> < title > Document title > head > < body > < div id = " root " > div > < script src = " bundle
Lecture 1.6(1-5 포함) - Blocks and Lexical Scope (Functional Programming Principles in Scala / Coursera 강의 정리) by 이선웅
- 그래서 1e50같은 수를 넣으면 너무 오래 걸려서 평가 지표를 아래와 같이 바꾼다
- 그러므로 우리는 이 함수들을 sqrt함수 내부로 배치함으로써 name-space의 pollution(낭비)을 막으면서 우리의 의도대로 사용할 수 있게 된다
- block은 중괄호를 통해 범위가 정해지며 몇몇 정의에 해당하는 줄을 적을 수 있으며 마지막으로 해당 블록의 반환값을 반환한다
[RFC7230] HTTP/1.1 : Message Syntax and Routing 번역 by 이병록
- they are not allowed to blindly forward the first line of an HTTP message without ensuring that the protocol version in that message matches a version to which that intermediary is conformant for both the receiving and sending of messages
- The "http" URI scheme is hereby defined for the purpose of minting identifiers according to their association with the hierarchical namespace governed by a potential HTTP origin server listening for TCP ([RFC0793]) connections on a given port
- The "https" URI scheme is hereby defined for the purpose of minting identifiers according to their association with the hierarchical namespace governed by a potential HTTP origin server listening to a given TCP port for TLS-secured connections ([RFC5246])