대학원 면접 준비 시리즈 by 조성재
Sort Array by Element Frequency by 안기웅
- def frequency_sort(items): # your code here return None if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(frequency_sort([4
- 42] assert list(frequency_sort([])) == [] assert list(frequency_sort([1])) == [1] print("Coding complete
- 42] assert list(frequency_sort([])) == [] assert list(frequency_sort([1])) == [1] print("Coding complete
Popular Words by 안기웅
- words: list) -> dict: # your code here return None if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(popular_words(""" When I was One I had just begun When I was Two I was nearly new """
- 'near'])) # These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing assert popular_words(""" When I was One I had just begun When I was Two I was nearly new """
- 'near'])) # These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing assert popular_words(''' When I was One I had just begun When I was Two I was nearly new '''
유니티 입문서 원고 (110페이지 분량) by 황대영 about Unity
- A new tool for teams & individuals that blends everyday work apps into one
Non-unique Elements by 안기웅
- #Your optional code here #You can import some modules or create additional functions def checkio(data: list) -> list: #Your code here #It's main function
- #Create new list with non-unique elements #Loop over original list if __name__ == "__main__": #These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing assert list(checkio([1
- if __name__ == "__main__": # These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing assert list(checkio([1
All the Same by 안기웅
- Any def all_the_same(elements: List[Any]) -> bool: # your code here return True if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(all_the_same([1
- 'a']) == True assert all_the_same([]) == True assert all_the_same([1]) == True print("Coding complete
- 'a']) == True assert all_the_same([]) == True assert all_the_same([1]) == True print("Coding complete
Count Digits by 안기웅 about Git
- count_digits('hi') == 0 count_digits('who is 1st here') == 1 count_digits('my numbers is 2') == 1 count_digits('This picture is an oil on canvas ' 'painting by Danish artist Anna ' 'Petersen between 1845 and 1910 year') == 8 count_digits('5 plus 6 is') == 2 count_digits('') == 0
- def count_digits(text: str) -> int: # your code here return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(count_digits('hi')) # These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing assert count_digits('hi') == 0 assert count_digits('who is 1st here') == 1 assert count_digits('my numbers is 2') == 1 assert count_digits('This picture is an oil on canvas ' 'painting by Danish artist Anna ' 'Petersen between 1845 and 1910 year') == 8 assert count_digits('5 plus 6 is') == 2 assert count_digits('') == 0 print("Coding complete
- connection_character) # Case2 def split_pairs2(a): len_split_pairs = len(a) if len_split_pairs == 0: return [] if len_split_pairs == 1: return [a + '_'] else: return [a[:2]] + split_pairs2(a[2:])
Find Quotes by 안기웅
- def find_quotes(a): # your code here return None if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(find_quotes('"Greetings"')) # These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing assert find_quotes('"Greetings"') == ['Greetings'] assert find_quotes('Hi') == [] assert find_quotes('good morning mister "superman"') == ['superman'] assert find_quotes('"this" doesn\'t make any "sense"') == ['this'
- 'sense'] assert find_quotes('"Lorem Ipsum" is simply dummy text ' 'of the printing and typesetting ' 'industry
- if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(find_quotes('"Greetings"')) # These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing assert find_quotes('"Greetings"') == ['Greetings'] assert find_quotes('Hi') == [] assert find_quotes('good morning mister "superman"') == ['superman'] assert find_quotes('"this" doesn\'t make any "sense"') == ['this'
[Programmers] 2019 카카오 개발자 겨울 인턴십 : 튜플 (Python) by 장동현 about Python
- from collections import Counter def solution(s): answer = [] delete_special_word_s = s
- ') count_dict = Counter(delete_special_word_s) count_dict_most_common = count_dict
- most_common() for data in count_dict_most_common: answer
Backward Each Word by 안기웅
- backward_string_by_word('') == '' backward_string_by_word('world') == 'dlrow' backward_string_by_word('hello world') == 'olleh dlrow' backward_string_by_word('hello world') == 'olleh dlrow'
- def backward_string_by_word(text: str) -> str: # your code here return None if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(backward_string_by_word('')) # These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing assert backward_string_by_word('') == '' assert backward_string_by_word('world') == 'dlrow' assert backward_string_by_word('hello world') == 'olleh dlrow' assert backward_string_by_word('hello world') == 'olleh dlrow' assert backward_string_by_word('welcome to a game') == 'emoclew ot a emag' print("Coding complete
- if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(backward_string_by_word('')) # These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for an auto-testing assert backward_string_by_word('') == '' assert backward_string_by_word('world') == 'dlrow' assert backward_string_by_word('hello world') == 'olleh dlrow' assert backward_string_by_word('hello world') == 'olleh dlrow' assert backward_string_by_word('welcome to a game') == 'emoclew ot a emag' print("Coding complete
Home Map by 안기웅
- com/872 First Word https://py
- com/883 Sort Array by Element Frequency https://py
- com/889 Backward Each Word https://py
kubernetes helm 이란? - helm 사용법(kubernetes 배포/관리하기) by 이수진 about Kubernetes
- helm install stable/mysql --generate-name 명령어를 입력하게 되면 stable/mysql chart를 이용해서 kubernetes 환경에 mysql을 배포하도록 합니다
- helm을 이용해서 배포한 kubernetes 환경을 보고 싶으면 helm ls 명령어를 입력하면 볼 수 있습니다
- 그러면 내 로컬 pc 7000번 포트는 현재 helm으로 설치한 mysql kubernetes 환경에 접속하도록 되어있으니 mysql 접속이 되는 것을 확인할 수 있을겁니다
This version of Android Studio cannot open this project, please retry with Android Studio x.y or newer. 문제 해결하기 by 김준비 about Android
- 협업을 하거나 오픈 소스를 가져오는 등 내가 직접 프로젝트를 생성한 것이 아니라 다른 사람(혹은 컴퓨터)이 만든 프로젝트를 내 안드로이드 스튜디오로 가져와서 실행하려고 할 때 다음과 같은 에러를 띄우면서 빌드에 실패하는 경우가 있습니다
- 이는 프로젝트에 설정된 build-tool(gradle) 버전과 내 안드로이드 스튜디오의 버전이 맞지 않아 발생하는 에러인데요
- gradle 파일로 가서 프로젝트에 설정된 gradle 버전을 확인합니다
[Git] Local branch, Remote branch 이름 바꾸기 by 김준비 about Git
- Github flow 등의 브랜치 전략을 지키다보면 브랜치 이름을 수정해야하는 소요가 종종 발생합니다
- Github 이나 Gitlab 등 원격 저장소에 이미 생성되어 있는 브랜치의 이름을 변경하는 방법은 위 방법과는 조금 다릅니다
- 위 명령을 실행한 후에 원격 저장소를 확인해보시면 기존에 있던 저장소의 이름이 바뀐게 아니라 새로운 브랜치가 하나 늘어난걸 확인할 수 있는데요