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2020-07-21 18시 개발자 글 모음 | "kafka connector dist" 외 11개 이야기

[Success Story] How IT team reduce the costs using Atlassian Marketplace App by 오픈소스컨설팅

  • Mirae Asset Life Insurance saved about 34% of IT costs using the Flexible User License
  • The IT team plays an important role in driving the business growth and innovation of the company by quickly responding to the changing organization scales and market environment
  • Open Source Consulting is honored as ‘Atlassian Partner of the Year 2019 : Marketing Innovator’ for our outstanding contribution and achievements

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    • let solution = n => { let answer = [ ] ; while ( n !== 0 ) { let remainder = n % 3 ; n = ( n - remainder ) / 3 ; if ( remainder === 0 ) { n = n - 1 ; remainder = 4 ; } answer
    • solution 에 parseInt((10 - 1) / 3) 의 값인 3 이 들어갑니다
    • solution 에 parseInt((3 - 1) / 3) 의 값인 0 이 들어갑니다

    맨땅에서 Flutter 앱 개발 시작하기 (for windows) #6 기본 위젯 by 서진규 about Flutter,Windows

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    • Row와 Column과는 다르게 내부에서 위젯을 겹칠 수 있음

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    • var todo = function (req
    • res){}; app
    • todo); app

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    • dart' ; class CupertinoPage extends StatefulWidget { @override _CupertinoPageState createState ( ) = > _CupertinoPageState ( ) ; } class _CupertinoPageState extends State < CupertinoPage > { @override Widget build ( BuildContext context ) { return Column ( children : < Widget > [ CupertinoButton ( child : Text ( '쿠퍼티노 버튼' ) ) ]
    • class _CupertinoPageState extends State < CupertinoPage > { @override Widget build ( BuildContext context ) { return Scaffold ( appBar : CupertinoNavigationBar ( middle : Text ( '쿠퍼티노 UI' )
    • class _CupertinoPageState extends State < CupertinoPage > { bool _switch = true ; @override Widget build ( BuildContext context ) { return Scaffold ( appBar : CupertinoNavigationBar ( middle : Text ( '쿠퍼티노 UI' )

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      Kafka file source connector standalone 모드 실행 by 최원영 about Kafka

      • 다양한 커낵터 클래스를 사용하여 컨슈머나 프로듀서 작성 없이 source로 부터 데이터를 카프카로 보내거나 받을 수 있습니다
      • 이제 토픽으로 데이터가 정상적으로 전송되는지 확인하기 위해 console consumer를 켭니다
      • 위와 같이 입력하면 아래와 같이 console consumer에 json형태의 데이터가 출력됨을 확인할 수 있습니다

      맨땅에서 Flutter 앱 개발 시작하기 (for windows) #8 네비게이션을 이용하여 화면 이동해보기 (+Documentation 툴팁 설정하기) by 서진규 about Flutter,Windows

        kafka connector distributed 모드로 fileSourceConnector 실행 by 최원영 about Kafka

        • - GET /connectors/{name}/topics - get the set of topics that a specific connector is using since the connector was created or since a request to reset its set of active topics was issued
        • - GET /connector-plugins - return a list of connector plugins installed in the Kafka Connect cluster
        • - GET / - return basic information about the Kafka Connect cluster such as the version of the Connect worker that serves the REST request (including git commit ID of the source code) and the Kafka cluster ID that is connected to